Maybe it is my upcoming milestone birthday or that I am choosing to surround myself with people and professionals that encourage me to think and grow. But, I have come to understand a very important lesson even more strongly recently.

Every person and every situation I encounter are placed in my path to me to be or not to be “like that”.  I worked for an international networking company and was fortunate to meet a tremendous number of business professionals around the world, currently I run a local CoWorking Center and it offers the same advantage of meeting many local business owners.

In the last two decades I have been schooled in many lessons on what to be and how to treat others. Equally, I have been taught how to grow personally and professionally. In reflection, it was the most difficult experiences that taught me the most valuable lessons.

Life Lesson Learned: Life, also known as experience, really is the best teacher. And every person and situation we encounter leaves us with an example of what to be or what not to be.

Lastly, one of my favorite quotes is by Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

My greatest desires are to leave the lives I touch better, to insure my family and friends know how much they mean to me and to make this part of the world a little better.

To Your Success,

Lisa Smith
The Offices at Spenryn