If you have ever considered starting a business, or are currently running a business then I’m sure that an office has crossed your mind. Since the pandemic of 2020 the world has changed and businesses have figured out they can operate without a physical office. What else is out there?
Drumroll please…Introducing, Virtual offices! They operate similarly to a physical office. You have a professional address for your mail and packages to be delivered and online reservation options for meeting rooms, day offices, or even training rooms for larger groups.
Where would you find something like this? You may see them at business centers, flexible offices and even the emerging coworking spaces. The Offices at Spenryn are a local and professional leader in the area providing virtual offices for businesses.
So, what are you actually getting with a virtual office? You have your company’s address, receive mail and packages. Access to meeting rooms and deskspace without paying for a full time office space.
Time for some savings! Our clients pay on an as needed, recurring basis for the services and facilities they need rather than the significantly higher expenses they would pay with typical office structures.
Time for a recap? Virtual Offices are:
- Affordable
- Flexible
- Convenient
- Just…Amazing!
Operating as a collection of on-demand resources, a virtual office can be the flexible and fluid option much needed by individual business owners.
Come join the family at The Offices at Spenryn. We would love to assist with your new business growth in 2023. Call our office at 256-850-2001 to schedule an in person or LIVE virtual tour.